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Demineralised water

Fully desalinated water, also known as deionized water or demineralized water, is tap water from which anions and cations dissolved salts have been largely removed.

These are all used in technical applications as operating fluids, but are also used in chemistry and biology as solvents and sometimes also as cleaning agents. The best applications or processes require so-called ultrapure water, whereby certain and high specifications for purity must be adhered to.

You can find our production of demineralized water in 21493 Elmenhorst/OT Lanken. We attach great importance to quality and punctuality. Manufactured in full water according to VDE 0510 and DIN 43530, for batteries, heating, general technologies.

I would like to know whether the demineralized water is available in different types of water:

20 liters Canister, 1,000 liters IBC or 25,000 liters in a tanker truck.

Of course, you also have the option of filling your order into your own container from us in 21493 Elmenhorst / Lanken or picking up your order in the production hall.

Call and make an appointment.

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